The Ampere-Maxwell equation relates electric currents and magnetic flux. It
describes the magnetic fields that result from a transmitter wire or loop in
electromagnetic surveys. For steady currents, it is key for describing the
magnetometric resistivity experiment.
The first term of the right hand side of the equation was discovered by Ampere. It shows the relationship
between a current \(I_{enc}\) and the circulation of the magnetic field, \(\mathbf{b}\),
around any closed contour line (See Fig. 35). \(I_{enc}\) refers to all currents
irrespective of their physical origin.
The second portion of the equation is Maxwell’s contribution and shows that a
circulation of magnetic field is also caused by a time rate of change of
electric flux. This explains how current in a simple circuit involving a
battery and capacitor can flow. The term is pivotal in showing that
electromagnetic energy propagates as waves.
For example, imagine integrating over a surface associated with a closed path
such as the one showed in Fig. 36. We can define the surface to be
the area of the circle, as in Fig. 35, or alternatively, as a
stretched surface, as shown in Fig. 36. In the first case,
the enclosed current is the flow of charges in the wire. In the second case,
however, there are no charges flowing through the surface, yet the magnetic
field defined on the enclosing curve, \(C\), must be the same. This apparent
discrepancy is reconciled if we take into account the displacement current,
which is the time rate of change of the electric field, between the two
plates. This integration is the same as if we were integrating over a flat
surface with the current wire crossing it.
The integral formulations are physically insightful and closely relate to the
experiments that gave rise to them. They also play a formative role in
generating boundary conditions for waves that propagate through different
When dealing with the propagation of EM waves in matter the currents
\(I_{enc}\) are usually dealt with in terms of current densities. The
integral equation above is thus written as
\(\mathbf{j_f}\) is the free current caused by moving charges
\(\mathbf{j_p} = \frac{\partial \mathbf{p}}{\partial t}\) is the polarization or bound current, where \(\mathbf{p}\) is the electric polarization resulting from bound charges in dielectrics
\(\mathbf{j_m} = \nabla \times \mathbf{m}\) is the magnetization current, that is, the currents needed to generate the magnetization \(\mathbf{m}\)
The total current density is the sum of these three contributions and is described by
The total current involved in the Ampere-Maxwell equation consists of free
current and bound current, although all currents are essentially the same from
a microscopic perspective. Treating free current and bound current differently
offers physical insights to the Ampere-Maxwell equation in different contexts.
The free current is caused by moving charges which are not tied to atoms, often
referred to as conduction current. In contrast, the bound current is induced by
a magnetization or a polarization in bulk materials. When a magnetic material is
placed in an external magnetic field, a magnetization current will be induced
due to the motion of electrons in atoms. Likewise, when an external electric
field is applied to a dielectric material, the positive and negative bound charges within
the dielectric can separate and induce a polarization current density internally.
Continuing to treat the free current and bound current separately and using the
constitutive equations: \(\mathbf{b} = \mu_0(\mathbf{h} + \mathbf{m})\) and \(\mathbf{d}= \varepsilon_0 \mathbf{e} + \mathbf{p}\), the integral form Ampere-Maxwell equation can be reformulated as:
Note that the bound charge due to magnetization is integrated into the magnetic
field \(\mathbf{h}\), whereas the bound charge due to electric polarization is
integrated into the displacement field \(\mathbf{d}\).
There are a number of ways of writing the equation in differential form. Each
provides its own insight. We begin by considering the differential form of equation (62) in terms of the variables \(\mathbf{e, b, p}\) and \(\mathbf{m}\):
and similar to (65), we can use the constitutive relations \(\mathbf{d}= \varepsilon_0 \mathbf{e} + \mathbf{p}\) and \(\mathbf{b} = \mu_0(\mathbf{h} + \mathbf{m})\) to write the differential time-domain equation in terms of the variables \(\mathbf{h, j_f}\) and \(\mathbf{d}\):
The first observation that spurred researchers to look for the relationship
linking magnetic field and current was made by Hans Christian Ørsted in 1820,
who noticed that magnetic needles were deflected by electric currents. This
led several physicists in Europe to study this phenomenon in parallel. While
Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart were experimenting with a setup similar to
Ørsted’s experiment (that lead them to define in 1820 a relationship known now
as the Biot-Savart’s law), André-Marie Ampère’s experiment focused on
measuring the forces that two electric wires exert on each other. He
formulated the Ampere’s circuital law in 1826 [Gri99], which
relates the magnetic field associated with a closed loop to the electric
current passing through it. In its original form, the current enclosed by the
loop only refers to free current caused by moving charges, causing several
issues regarding the conservation of electric charge and the propagation of
electromagnetic energy.
In 1861 [Max61], James Clerk Maxwell extended Ampere’s law by introducing the
displacement current into the electric current term to satisfy
the continuity equation of electric charge. Based on the idea of displacement
current, in 1864 [Max65], Maxwell established the theory of electromagnetic
field, predicating the wave propagation of electromagnetic fields and the
equivalence of light propagation and electromagnetic wave propagation.
It was not until the late 1880s [Her93], Heinrich Hertz experimentally proved the existence
of electromagnetic waves as predicated by Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, and
demonstrated the equivalence of electromagnetic waves and light.
These efforts have lain solid foundations for the development of modern electromagnetism.